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Zora Plugins


Zora utilizes open-source CLI tools like Marvin, Popeye, and Trivy as plugins to perform scans on Kubernetes clusters.

The current available plugins of a Zora installation can be listed by running the following command:

kubectl get plugins -n zora-system
NAME     IMAGE                               TYPE               AGE
marvin        misconfiguration   14m
popeye        misconfiguration   14m
trivy         vulnerability      14m

Each item listed above is an instance of Plugin CRD and represents the execution configuration of a plugin. More details can be seen by getting the YAML output of a plugin:

kubectl get plugin marvin -o yaml -n zora-system

Plugin types

Currently, Zora has two plugin types: vulnerability and misconfiguration, which determine the focus of plugin scans.

  • vulnerability plugins scan cluster images for vulnerabilities, and their results are stored as instances of VulnerabilityReport CRD.

  • misconfiguration plugins scan cluster resources for potential configuration issues, and their results are available as instances of the ClusterIssue CRD.

Both result types can be listed using kubectl, and some aliases are supported for your convenience, as shown in the following commands:

kubectl get vulnerabilityreports
kubectl get vuln
kubectl get vulns
kubectl get vulnerabilities
kubectl get clusterissues
kubectl get issue
kubectl get issues
kubectl get misconfig
kubectl get misconfigs
kubectl get misconfigurations


The results are only available after a successful scan, in the same namespace as the ClusterScan (default is zora-system).

How plugins work

Starting from a Plugin and a ClusterScan, Zora manages and schedules scans by applying CronJobs, which creates Jobs and Pods.

The Pods where the scans run, include a "sidecar" container called worker alongside the plugin container.

After the plugin completes its scan, it needs to signal to Zora (worker) by writing out the path of the results file into a "done file".

Worker container waits for the "done file" to be present, then transforms the results and creates ClusterIssues and VulnerabilityReports (depending on the plugin type).


This is the aspect that currently prevents the full declarative integration of new plugins. The code responsible for transforming the output of each plugin into CRDs is written in Go within the worker.

Any contributions or suggestions in this regard are greatly appreciated.

Zora plugin diagram Zora plugin diagram


This architecture for supporting plugins is inspired by Sonobuoy, a project used for CNCF conformance certification.