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Zora Dashboard

Zora Dashboard is a SaaS platform designed to seamlessly centralize the security posture management of all your Kubernetes clusters, providing a full experience powered by Zora OSS.

It features a powerful UI that allows you to navigate, filter and explore details of issues and affected resources across all your clusters. You can also invite users to your workspace.

Zora Dashboard Screenshot

Currently, it's free for up to 3 clusters. Please contact us if you need unlock more clusters in Zora Dashboard.

Getting started

To integrate your cluster with Zora Dashboard, you need to provide the workspace ID as an additional parameter in Zora OSS installation command.

  1. Sign in at Zora Dashboard;
  2. Click on "Connect cluster" button and copy the workspace ID;
  3. Then provide it in saas.workspaceID parameter in Zora OSS installation command:
helm repo add undistro --force-update
helm repo update undistro
helm upgrade --install zora undistro/zora \
  -n zora-system \
  --version 0.9.3 \
  --create-namespace \
  --wait \
  --set clusterName="$(kubectl config current-context)" \
  --set saas.workspaceID=<YOUR WORKSPACE ID HERE>
helm upgrade --install zora oci:// \
  -n zora-system \
  --version 0.9.3 \
  --create-namespace \
  --wait \
  --set clusterName="$(kubectl config current-context)" \
  --set saas.workspaceID=<YOUR WORKSPACE ID HERE>


Zora OSS acts as the engine of Zora Dashboard, meaning that once scans are completed, only the results are sent to Zora Dashboard, where they are accessible by you and those you have invited to your workspace.

Zora Architecture Diagram Zora Architecture Diagram

Note that these results do not contain sensitive information or specific data about your cluster configuration.